The Gospel Church is based in the village of Marchwood, near Southampton. We endeavour to serve God and our community, by encouraging our congregation to “Know Jesus Better”, and reaching out to people around us, “Making Jesus Better Known”.

We enjoy worshipping, praying, and studying the bible together in a relaxed and friendly, welcoming way, where we can show care for each other and provide support in this country and around the world, to demonstrate the love of God. We also appreciate our fun and social activities, and regular special events.

Something for all the family to get involved in.

Sunday Morning Worship

Sunday Services

You will receive a warm welcome at our services

Connect Café

Connect cordially welcomes all ages to make friends and enjoy complimentary morning refreshments in Marchwood.

Tots, Tales and Tunes

An opportunity to play the games you love or to learn new games in a friendly atmosphere.

Beans Club

Beans Club is a club for all the family
All school-age children are welcome, and their parents or carers .

Contact Us

If you want to contact us for enquires or pastoral help or prayer requests, we will try to help.

Weekly News & YouTube

Weekly News: MCG Sunday Service recordings Visit us on YouTube

If you would like more information about our activities or to be part of our congregation

Please visit our Contact Us page for information.

Where We Meet?

How to find where we meet around Marchwood Village

What We Believe?

One God eternally exists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Services and Activities

Services and activities we offer our congregation throughout the week